AJV Boys is a non-profit youth organization founded in 2009 as a boys' volleyball club with the mission to train young men to optimize their athletic potential and develop life skills through volleyball. Starting with just one team in the inaugural 2009-2010 AJV Boys club season, each year has seen the program grow in size. We are steadfast in providing the best opportunities for Austin-area boys to hone their volleyball skills, training with the best local players and coaches, and competition against other boys' volleyball programs in Texas and across the nation. Our teams participate extensively locally, throughout Texas, and in other tournaments around the country from late November through early July. This includes participating in the USA Volleyball Boys Junior National Championships.
AJV Boys teams are a vehicle for young male athletes to improve their skills and compete against the best players on the local and national stage. AJV Boys Assistant Director Nick Hunt is a full-time staff member that is dedicated to assisting its athletes and their parents in all areas of the program. Whether you are looking to learn the game, develop your skills, or prepare for a volleyball career in college, Austin Junior Volleyball has the resources to allow you to achieve your goals.
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Our goal is to help everyone earn the opportunity to play.