As of November 21st 2024, Toro Grande Road is now open to the north and will take you to New Hope Road. Please be careful as cross traffic does not have to stop.
About ASC CEDAR Park
The Austin Sports Center Cedar Park has an open space of 20,000 sq. ft with enough room for 4 competition volleyball courts or 3 basketball/futsal courts (85ft x 50ft). Our Annex built on in 2023 adds an additional 8,900 sq. ft and 2 competition volleyball or 1 basketball/futsal. The mezzanine level has 4000 sq. ft of spectator space overlooking the gyms with chairs, tables, counter on rails and free internet access. On the mezzanine level, there is also a concession stand, a conference room with a maximum capacity of 30. The main floor houses fitness rooms with up to 3000 sq. ft space. There are also over 140 parking spots on-site. The facility has a maximum occupancy of Downstairs 560, Annex 300 and 135 Upstairs
For a single-court rates range from $60 - $150 per court per hour. Rates are based on the type of court, date, time, how much space you are requesting, the number of days you are requesting, and what else is happening in the facility. Renting all courts in the facility range from $340 - $400 per hour with additional cost depending on the logistics of the event. If you would like to find out a rate for what you are planning please submit a
ASC is available for rental seven days a week however, ASC does not have standard business hours. Each facility is open when they are in use. If you would like to meet or speak with someone please call 512-433-5111 and someone will return your call within 48 business hours.
Please use online form ASC participation waiver. Once you have completed and signed the form to expedite your check-in process print out and present the hard copy at the front desk of the facility. Participants under the age of 18 will need a guardian's signature on the waiver. A new waiver must be on file before participating in any activities at the Austin Sports Center.
Waiver form:
Lost and Found
Austin Sports Center is not responsible for lost items and does not keep a lost and found.
Overflow parking is allowed at the ASC Sand complex across the street. DO NOT Park at the Nitro or Tumble Tech complex. You will be towed.

As of November 21st 2024, Toro Grande Road is now open to the north and will take you to New Hope Road. Please be careful as cross traffic does not have to stop.